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Mom is really concerned about me!!!!

In May, Mom took me to have x-rays because I have been limping. Nothing showed up on the x-rays, all is normal. Mom had me rest and rest. Since the passing of Ted, Mom has been noticing that I am still  limping periodically. I do not limp all the time, but still Mom is concerned.

Here is the plan. Dr. C, my regular vet is referring me to Dr. R for further evaluation. You see Dr. R is the Dr. that took care of  Ted for his amputation. My x-rays from May will be sent to Dr. R as well as my other records. Mom wants to get to the bottom of this asap.

I just love my Mom.

Izzy signing out.

4 Responses to “Mom is really concerned about me!!!!”

  1.   chilidawg Says:

    I’m glad that your mom is getting to the bottom of this quickly! That’s important! What a great mom to take such good care of you 🙂

    •   Susy Says:

      Izzy ,your mom will get to the botton very quickly!! You have a GREAT mom and she will do her best to get you fixed fast. GOOD LUCK IZZY and mom!!!Izzy have mom keep me informed about your condition You and mom mean a lot to me just like Ted…

  2.   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

    Thanks Chilidawg. I am realizing that more and more each day how lucky I am.

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