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Whew what a day!!!!

Izzy here reporting in. My family made it through the busiest day of the year in our village. I have to tell you, I was so busy watching the floats being put together. You see, the parade is assembled right next door so people bring their floats and do the finishing touches right next door. Sooo many people, sooo many things to watch. I did bark at one man. I didn’t like the fact he came close to my area. It was a gentle bark, but he went back where he was suppose to be. The kids can come see me, but that one guy I just didn’t like. My brother and sister spent a lot of time inside watching the front yard and the people on the porch.

During the parade, Mom and Dad made sure we were all safe inside the house as they had to pull a couple of those floats with their vehicles. I heard Mom talking about wanting me to be in the parade too, but very quickly decided it would not be a good idea as I would be too hot, even with the windows down. After the parade, Mom came home and gave me a big hug. She said she made the right choice, I would have been tooo hot. It would have been fun though I just know it.

Now comes the evening. I just knew something different was going to happen. My ramp was all set for me to get in the trailblazer, so I could just feel it, I am going with Mom and Dad. Yup, out the door Mom, Dad and I go. We all went to Grandma’s house. I am not sure why I was able to go, but I was a happy girl. Well, until…….

YUP, it got dark and then a lot of loud noises started, then bright lights flashed in the sky. I was not a happy girl, I was panting, as well as shaking. Mom and Dad comforted me, but I decided to get some attention by some other family members. Mom was close by as she had my leash. Finally I decided to lay down between two chairs. Mom was right there touching me. I stopped shaking and watched the lights in the sky. I am still not sure I like it, but it was better than being home a lone.

Overall, we all had a very nice day. All 5 of us were very tired and slept very well.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out.

4 Responses to “Whew what a day!!!!”

  1.   tatespeeps Says:

    What a great day, Izzy! Lots of new things to experience…although, I’m with you. I could do without the loud noises.

  2.   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

    I think I am getting better with the noises, but we will see. The sky looks like it wants to get me wet today, but I am not sure if it will bring noises too. We will see.

  3.   chilidawg Says:

    My monkey butt brother doesn’t like the noises either, Izzy. He always climbs into bed with my mom and dad and shivers during them- his hair falls out too. I feel bad for him when that happens. I try to comfort him too, but he prefers mom and dad.

  4.   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

    Ted was always a wimp when it came to loud noises, I saw he got a lot of attention, so I figured I would join in. Now I get attention even without the loud noises, not that I lacked in that department at all.

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