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Busy weekend here in the Cape!!!!

Izzy reporting in!!!! Just knew it, Mom was soooo busy today working around the house, I just knew something special was happening very soon. Mom started our day with a walk with Grandma. The talked and talked about food, it made me very hungry. Then they talked about other stuff, like a parade. I guess Mom and Dad are in the parade. Mom mentioned having to was both vehicles, so they must be driving them in the parade. After our walk, Mom got right to work painting by the front door. I was not allowed to help. I just had to watch from behind a gate. I just know I could have helped spread that black paint. Then Mom went outside and started that machine she rides all around the yard. When she is done, the grass is shorter, but it smells sooo nice. Back inside she came, gave me lots of lovin of course. Then she went to work in the kitchen for a while. Then she went outside and did some work in the garage. Next thing I know, I am on a leash and going outside. Mom’s vehicle is in the front yard, the hose is out and a shepherd’s hook in the yard too. Mom walks me to the hook, and takes the leash off me and hooks a rope to me.

Hmmm I am attached to the shepherd’s hook. I have never been in the front yard like this. I was not sure what to do, so I went to the end of the rope and watched world go by. Mom kept an eye on me, but she was also busy washing that big maroon thing. It was fun in the front yard, a different feeling for me. Mom put the maroon thing away, came and got me and off on another short walk we went. This time I was on a rope and Mom was practicing my recall. Hmmm not sure if I really want to remember what recall is, but I tried. It was really hot so we went back home. It was fun while it lasted.

Ok so next thing I know people start arriving at our house. They start talking about French Festival. I asked Mom to help me with this part. Here is the link so you all can see what is happening in our village.

Thanks Mom. I am also noticing a lot more people in town. If I remember correctly, I will see lots visiting our house. I love meeting new people. Oh I also remember fireworks. I will report back on Sunday to let you know how those go. I think I will be with Mom and Dad at Grandma’s house. I sure hope so. I will try to think positive about fireworks this year. 

I hope you enjoyed the link. I will let you know how the weekend goes next time.

Until next time.

Izzy signing off.

4 Responses to “Busy weekend here in the Cape!!!!”

  1.   maximutt Says:

    Izzy, it definitely sounds like a busy weekend for you! The festival sounds really cool! Maybe next year your Mom will let you help with the painting!! Have a great weekend!!!!

  2.   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

    Thanks Maximutt. I got Mom moving around 6 am. She has to be out the door by 8:20, so she can relax with her coffee and computer, get ready and out the door on time. Have to keep her on schedule you know.

  3.   angas Says:

    Hi Izzy, I am Angas. Mum and I are new to this web site and we are reading everybodys story. I was so sad to hear you had lost your mate Ted. I have an older mate Shelby who is nearly 14. I missed her so much whilst i was in hospital with all my operations. Shelby is unable to walk by herself mum and dad assist her with a harness, she has a nerve problem due to her spinal arthitis. She doesnt care much for me, but now that she cant get away from me i lay as close as possible. I even get really close to her when she is eating her meals. I know one day I will no longer have her but that just makes me love her even more. Im sure you have many happy memories of Ted and you should cherish them but enjoy your days with your family, cause seem to be do an excellent job filling Teds paws.

    •   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

      Angas, welcome to this site. Ted was an amazing brother. I didn’t realize how much he did while he was here. I am doing my best to fill his paws.


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