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Morning walks with Mom!!!!

Izzy reporting in. Mom  has been taking me for walks bright and early in the morning, like before 8 am. I am all for a walk, but I really do like my morning nap!!!! Anyhow, out the door we go and guess who we have met up with each morning? Yup, you guessed it, Grandma. 🙂  I think it all has to do to with Mom’s phone making a noise and Mom pushing buttons on it. Then out the door we go.

I am being good, I am really trying to heel for Mom. Do you know how hard it is to heel when a  rabbit hops right in front of me? It is really hard!!!! I try with all my might, Mom giggles then has me sit and watch. I wiggle and wiggle, then the rabbit leaves. Whew, made it through that. Then a squirrel runs up a tree, oh my godness, what is a golden to do? Yup, sit and watch.  After we go a block or so, the flexi leash comes out and I can wander, sniff, jog, prance, squat, and run back to Mom. We have such nice morning walks!!!!

Boy, oh boy, by now Mom has taken her sweatshirt off and is talking about how hot it is. I look up at her and say, “Yes Mom, it is warm out, but thank you for taking me for this walk. It is a lot of  fun to be with just you.” Mom and I finish up our walk and then I hit the spa!!!

After my time in the spa, I get back to my morning spot.

My morning snooze place!!!!

Until next time,

Izzy, signing out!!!!

7 Responses to “Morning walks with Mom!!!!”

  1.   mom2gracie Says:

    Look’n GOOD!!!

  2.   CatiesMom Says:

    Oh, Izzy, what a pretty pretty girl you are. And sooo disciplined not to take after a rabbit! Wow. Just a wiggle?!!

    Enjoy your walks with your mom. I’m sure you’re a great comfort to her.

  3.   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

    I am really trying to be a good girl. Mom is pretty strict about some things, but really lax about others. I am so happy to go for walks each morning with Mom and Grandma. The people we meet do ask about Ted, and Mom proudly tells about his journey and how brave he was. We all miss him each and everyday. We know he is watching over us and playing with lots of new friends.


  4.   maximutt Says:

    Izzy, you sure are a lucky girl with a great family! I’m so happy you are having your morning walks with Mom and Grandma! And your very own spa??? Wow!!!!

  5.   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

    I know I am a lucky girl. I am also being a good girl by starting to follow Mom and Dad around the house some. Ted had always done that, it was his job. Now I have to take over that job. It is fun to see what they do!!!!

  6.   Ginger Says:

    Izzy, you are more disciplined than I am!!! When my pawrents take me for a walk, I chase everything than moves.

  7.   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

    I am getting pretty good as sitting and wiggling. Mom talks real soft to me and tells me what a good girl I am. Oh yes, I also get a smooch on my head for being a good girl. Now that is the best. I just love my Mom.

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