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Introducing Isabella!!!! My Monkey Butt sister!!!!

Woof, Woof, Woof, Woof!!!! Hi!!!! I am Ted’s litter-mate, sister Isabella. I am better known as Izzy. Below is a picture of Ted and I the day Mom and Dad brought us both home. Ted was the chosen one by Dad, I was the chosen one by Mom. I am on the left and Ted is on the right.

We sure did have some adventures together as pups. Mom, I think has already written about those adventures, so if you have not had a chance to read her previous pages and posts, take a look around this blog and you will learn a lot about the two of us.

5 months ago, Ted left for a couple of days. I was actually a tad jealous, he had Mom and Dad all to himself. Little did I know what he was going through. Then he returned, oh my, I thought. Ted what happened? Where did your leg go? I scolded myself for being jealous!!!! I decided that Ted needed me beside him. So I helped Mom take care of Ted. Everytime Ted moved, I was right there making sure he was ok. I was so happy how well he progressed and moved on his three legs. When Ted was ready, Mom took the two of out on walks together. It was so nice to be out and about again. What a long winter we had.

Ted was doing so well, he even went on walks alone with Mom. I decided not to be jealous this time. He deserved his alone time with Mom. Last week, Ted was having issues breathing. Then Wednesday, Ted took his last trip to the vet. I could feel that something was wrong. Then Mom and Dad returned without my brother and were in tears. I knew, I just knew I would not see my brother again for a very long time. We are all dealing with our lose and Ted is in our every thought.

Here is our last picture together.

Mom has talked with me a lot lately about what our life is going to be like without our boy!!!! She says that I will be even more spoiled than before. Boy did my tail wag then, of course I really don’t know how I could be spoiled any more than I already am. But hey, if she wants to spoil me, then I will let her.

I have noticed a few things already. Mom is using two different leashes with me on walks. We start out with the short leash and I have to heel. Man I really don’t like to do that. Don’t get me wrong, I love being next to my Mom, but I also love smelling everything and chasing anything that moves. Then, if I have been real good heeling, then Mom switches to the flexy leash. Oh boy, now that is the leash I really like. I can wander, smell, trot, and oh yes, pull Mom. Sometimes the smells or the squirrels just get the best of me. Then Mom switches back to the short leash and I have to heel again. This is all good with me though, I have a lot of Mommy and me time now.

I hope you will enjoy reading about my adventures as much as you liked reading about Ted’s adventures. It is definitely different with out Ted, but  I know Ted is watching over me, so I better be good. Mom tells me that we will all meet again some day.

10 Responses to “Introducing Isabella!!!! My Monkey Butt sister!!!!”

  1.   anjl Says:

    Love to you dear Izzy as you grieve the loss of your brother! You will all be together again someday . Ted is still with you, he just has a new address! Hold on to those happy memories until you meet again!!!

  2.   Mom's mom Says:

    Izzy, my granddog, This was a great introduction to Tedebear’s website. You and Mom will have fun filling the pages with all your adventures. We will all miss Ted but we know that he is being watched over also, just as he is watching over you and Mom. Enjoy telling your adventures. Love, Grandma

    •   Isabella, Ted's Monkey Butt sister Says:

      Woof, hi Grandma. Thanks for coming on the site. I bet you will be mentioned on this site, so I hope you keep track. Oh, thank you ahead of time for allowing me to watch the fireworks with you and our family!!!! Boy, am I getting spoiled!!!!

      Love you,

  3.   etgayle Says:

    if we are lucky, ted is watching over all of us. so nice to read your post, we are glad you are going to share your adventures with us!! but, are you sure izzy, that you really want to be known as a ‘monkey dog’????

    charon & gayle

  4.   maximutt Says:

    Hi Izzy! Nice to meet you!! Ted was a great guy, and I know you loved him very much. Be strong for your Mom & Dad, and always remember that Ted is watching over all of you.

    PS: You don’t sound like a “Monkeydog” to me. You just sound like a great gal!

  5.   Isabella, Ted's Monkey Butt sister Says:

    Woof, Woof, woof, woof!!!! I am new at this so maybe I am not a Monkey Butt, or Monkeydog. I do know this, will live life to the fullest for both Ted and I. I will be reporting in to all of you from time to time.

    Thank you for all your kind thoughts.


  6.   Ginger Says:

    Welcome, sweet Izzy. We are looking forward to getting to know you better.

    Golden hugs,

  7.   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:


  8.   chilidawg Says:

    Izzy, you are also a beauty, just like Ted. Us golden’s are fine looking dawgs, aren’t we?

  9.   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

    We goldens are the best. Thank you Chilidawg. I like being like Ted.

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