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I have upsetting news. Yesterday, after a very long night of listening to Ted breathe, we took Ted to his regular vet. Ted was having trouble breathing with his mouth closed and when panting, he used a lot of energy to breathe. The vet sent us to the emergency vet, the same place he had his amputation. To make a long story short, Ted was accumulating fluid around his heart. The fluid was blood. After the removal of the blood, Ted’s breathing did not improve. The blood returned as fast as they took it out. After much discussion about his prognosis, which was determined as poor, the decision was made to put Ted down. We feel it was the best decision as even with more testing, the likelyhood of him making more than a week was very slim. We believe he had one or two cancer cells that caused a major blood vessel or artery to burst. This was causing the chest cavity to fill with blood.

Ted had two purposes here on Earth. His first purpose was to help my family through the death of my father. Ted was only a puppy, but he brought great joy during a difficult time. He is now with my dad and my first dog. Ted’s second purpose was to help my husband heal after coming out of the hospital. Ted had his amputation  three days after my husband came put of the hospital. Ted’s zest for life on three legs showed my husband that it can be done.

The decision was a very difficult one, as some of you know. We put our feelings aside and made our decision based on what was best for Ted, what would be his quality of life.

28 Responses to “Ted!!!”

  1.   daisy2010 Says:

    I am so sorry for your loss.

  2.   Leslie Says:

    Ted was a great dog. You did him right by putting your feelings aside and loving him still. I’ll keep your family in my thoughts.


  3.   etgayle Says:

    you gave ted a final selfless gift by ending the suffering. we are so sorry for your loss, ted’s blog was always a highlight to read, he touched all of us with his bravery and lust for life. he will be greatly missed. may time help the happy memories replace the tears. love never ends.

    charon & gayle

  4.   Jackie Says:

    So sorry to hear about Ted. We had the same (blood built up around her heart) with our beagle, angel Bailey, so I know how hard it is to make that final decision. It sounds like Ted had a great life and brought tons of love into the world. I hope you find comfort remembering that love and all the happy times with him.

    Jackie, Abby’s mom

  5.   fightingforsammy Says:

    I am so sorry, I wish it could have been different for him. I know you did the very best you could for him and he is in a place now where there is no more tests, just love.
    Hugs, from Elizabeth and Sammy

  6.   Maxidad Says:

    My wife Diane (aka Maximutt) and I were very sorry to hear about Ted, but never doubt that you did the right thing. He brought you great joy in life, and you brought him comfort in the end. It hurts to lose a member of the family, and our hearts go out to you in your time of loss.

  7.   CatiesMom Says:

    Oh, I am so utterly sorry to hear this.

    Many most empathetic sympathies to you and your family for this heart wrenching loss.

    Ted’s spirit and his presence in your hearts will never leave.

    I am so sorry.

    Rest in peace, dear, dear boy. You’re in a good place now; give Catie a lick and a sniff from all of us.


  8.   admin Says:

    😯 How tragic. We’re shocked by this news, but know you did right by Ted. May he forever run free of pain and rest in peace.

  9.   jerry Says:

    Our heart aches for you Cheryl and your family, both furry and human. We are so, so sad today. Ted was such a rock star of the Tripawd world, showing everyone that Yes! Life is Great on Three! I’m just so sorry that he left us far too soon.

    Please know we are thinking of you. Yes, you did right by your boy, he is proud of your courage, and so are we.


    •   Ted E. Bear Says:

      Thank you!!! His sister lives on and I will introduce her to all of you very soon. She of course is a Monkey Butt.


  10.   riosmom Says:

    I am so, so sorry about Ted. He was a wonderful boy, and so very loved.


  11.   chilidawg Says:

    I am so sorry about Ted. His love of life made his blog one of our favorites to visit. My heart breaks for you and your family, but we know that you made the best decision for Ted.

    Jenna and Chili Dawg

    •   Ted E. Bear Says:

      Ted sure did have a zest for life. He truly loved being around people and giving them joy!!!

  12.   cometdog Says:

    OH! I’m so very, very sorry about Ted.

    You have been through so much and I’m just so very sorry. My heart really hurts for you.

    Please be at peace that you gave him the best life and your decision to let him go was for him. It’s doesn’t make your pain go away but hopefully it will give you peace.

    Many hugs,
    Comet’s mom

  13.   tatespeeps Says:

    I’m so deeply sorry for your loss.

  14.   Ginger Says:

    We are so sorry about you wonderful Ted. We always loved reading about his adventures – especially at the ball games.

  15.   maggie Says:

    I’m sorry for your loss of your Ted. Hugs to you and your family..

    Tracy & Maggie

  16.   Ted E. Bear Says:

    Thank you Ginger!!! You will soon be able to read about his sister, Isabella, Izzy!!! She will have adventures and will write about them for all of you.

  17.   Dane Mom Sue Says:

    Oh no!!! I am SO sorry to hear that you lost Ted so suddenly. It seems so unfair when it happens unexpectedly… my heart is aching for you. I always loved to read about Ted and see his smiling face on here. Bless you for giving him such a great life and for giving him that last precious gift of releasing him from pain. RIP, smiley guy!

    Licks and Leans from Queen Nova and her mom Sue

  18.   Ted E. Bear Says:

    Thank you Sue, it has been difficult, but Izzy is helping me tremendously..

  19.   Tazzy Says:

    I’m sooo sorry! What a difficult decision to have to make. Give Izzy big kisses from Tazzy as I’m sure she will be confused for a while.

  20.   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

    Thank you Tazzy, Izzy is gettingof a lot extra hugs lately. I have seen some confusion in her, after a week I think she has settle in.

  21.   indiana Says:

    I was so very sad to hear about your sweet Ted! My heart goes out to you with many tears. You made the very best decision out of your deep love for Ted. He had a good life with the best mommy!
    We had to say goodbye to our Indy just a couple weeks before. They are up in puppy heaven running together with the best of the tripawds!!
    All of our tripawds are so amazing and they enjoy each day with happiness. They bring us such joy and the bond is like no other… Your Ted, My Indy and all of the others that have crossed over to the Rainbow bridge will be waiting for us to join them again some day…Until then..they will live on in our hearts always…
    Big hugs and “Indy kisses”
    ~~Indiana’s Mom ~ Carol~~

    •   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

      Woof, Indy. Ted is running with everyone. He will patiently wait for us as we have many adventures ahead of us.

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