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Psst!!! Listen to this!!!

Mom got the RV out yesterday!!! I am soooo excited I can hardly contain myself!!!! She is such a goofy lady, she got the hose out, the bucket out, the brush out, and the soap out. Next thing I know she is wayyyy up on top of my movable home. I was nervous for her. I was watching to be sure she did not fall.

Wheww she got back on the ground. She looked like she was petting the RV, but I really think it needed a bath. She had been mentioning that it was dirty, so I think that is what she was doing. Finally, I saw her again, she was on the other side of my movable home for a long time and I could not see her. Scrub, Scrub, Scrub.

I was waiting for her to say, come on, we are going for a ride. That did not happen yesterday, maybe today. Oh wait, she was talking to Dad and they have to work the rest of the week, so just maybe it will happen on Friday!!! I just love traveling in that big box. I get on the couch, look out the window and “chase” the cars as they pass. Oh what fun.

I added a picture of my movable home for you to see.

I just had to post a picture of me in the living room.

8 Responses to “Psst!!! Listen to this!!!”

  1.   Leslie Says:

    Nice box, Ted! I would love to have a box!!

    •   Ted E. Bear Says:

      I will let you know how it all goes. I am soooooo excited. It is still parked in the front yard.


  2.   admin Says:

    We love our box too! But it could use a good petting… 😉

    •   Ted E. Bear Says:

      Mom says she used regular dish soap and it did a good job. It cut the grease really well. Sooo, if she is happy, then I am happy!!!

  3.   chilidawg Says:

    Nice… I’m jealous. I would like a box too.

    •   Ted E. Bear Says:

      Mom loves to take all four of us, oh yes Dad too in that big box. I also heard that she is looking for a different big box, but she is very picky so it will be a while.

  4.   Jackie Says:

    Abby says, “I am jealous too! I want a big movable box! My mom sits and stares at a little box all the time. She hits it with her fingers. The little box is not a good thing. She ignores me when she stares at the little box. I want us to get a big box!!!”

  5.   Ted E. Bear Says:

    Abby, My mom stares at the little box too, but I put my head on the keyboard and she smiles. I get my way a lot with Mom. Tell your mom it is the easiest way to travel, that big box is. You should get one for sure.

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