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Waiting for Summer!!!

Oh man, it seems like Mom and I get in a routine of a jog around the neighborhood and Mother Nature has different plans. It seems to have been raining, snowing, and wind blowing for a couple of weeks now!!! I know Mom is not happy with this type of weather which in turn does not make me happy. Sooo, Mom and I play games inside instead, but it is not the same!!!

Oh, all of the monkey dogs and I have been sleeping with Mom and Dad upstairs. I stay on the floor as the bed is too hot. Izzy is soooo spoiled, she snuggles right up to one side of Mom and Hank is on the other side of Mom. Missy is sleeping by the door. We all have our special spots.

OH Dad is doing very well. If you all remember, he was quite sick just before I became a tripawd. Mom had her hands full taking care of us. We are all taking it easy and try not to do too much at once.

Woof, woof, woof!!!

4 Responses to “Waiting for Summer!!!”

  1.   FeartheEars Says:

    Here in California we have some people frustrated with the slow onset of spring and produced this:

    ███████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 44% DONE.
    Install delayed….please wait. Installation failed. Please try again. 404
    error: Season not found. Season “Spring” cannot be located. The season you
    are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is
    temporarily unavailable in California. Please try again


  2.   maximutt Says:

    Hi Ted! I hope the weather clears up so you and your Mom can get back into your jogging routine! That’s just like Mother Nature to throw a wrench in just when you have things perfectly worked out! Be patient, and pretty soon you’ll be running like a champ again!!

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