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Mom has finally figured it out!!!

Last night we, Izzy, Mom and I, went to walk with a friends of ours, Jen and Dakota. Dakota is another golden retriever. He is a good boy, Jen adopted him from the SPCA July 13, 2010. We are great friends. It is always fun when we get together. The five of us walked for a while then sat by the St. Lawrence River chatting. I nuzzled next to Mom, Izzy and Dakota got attention from both Jen and Mom.

Tonight Mom and I went for a jog again. This time we went around the block with only a few stops. I am getting my stamina and so is Mom. I knew it was the right distance because when I got back in the house I ran to see all my siblings. They fooled me, they were outside. I heard Mom talking to Dad and I think we will stay with that distance for a week or so, depending on the weather, then increase the distance a bit.

Oh yes, I also know I will be going to softball games again. Last night, Mom went to a game and told me I could go next time. That will be fun. I think we will probably jog to the game, visit people, then jog home. The field is not very far from the house. The total distance will be less than what we did tonight, but I am sure Mom will not want to be lax about my exercise.

8 Responses to “Mom has finally figured it out!!!”

  1.   riosmom Says:

    Way to go, Ted (and Mom)!

  2.   Ted E. Bear Says:

    Thanks Roisman!!!

  3.   Ginger Says:

    Ted, you are a cute little stud. That is just great you are getting your exercise like that. Enjoy those softball games, buddy.

  4.   Ted E. Bear Says:

    Thanks Ginger. Mom and I went again today, we tried to dodge the sprinkles. We did not melt.

  5.   etgayle Says:

    “play ball!!!” batta, batta, batta…. keep up the great work ted!

    gayle & charon

  6.   Tazzy Says:

    Tazzy prefers to jog also – her gait seems much smoother. She is also determined to get me in shape! 🙂

  7.   Ted E. Bear Says:

    Tazzy, keep up the good work, we need to keep the humans in shape.

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