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I will get Mom in shape yet!!!

Mom decided it was a nice evening and wanted some fresh air!!! Izzy and I were attached to our flexi leashes and we were off. Mom has learned that I move much better if we trot, which means she has to do more than stroll. We all did great.  Mom kept up with us, she really surprised me at how fast she really is. She did have a smile on her face when I stopped to smell some good stuff though. On the way home, it was me that needed to stop for a breather. Mom encouraged me to get moving again and keep moving. I bet if we do this on a regular basis, I won’t have to stop so much when we are almost home. It sure is fun to be out and about.

Oh Mom stopped to talk to our community librarian. We have been invited to the library to talk with the kids. I just love kids. I guess my purpose is to show the kids that even thou

4 Responses to “I will get Mom in shape yet!!!”

  1.   jerry Says:

    Ohhh Ted, congrats on talking with the kids, we can’t wait to hear about it!

    As for the running business, well, maybe we should change our motto to “It’s better to run on three legs than go slow on four!”

    •   Ted E. Bear Says:

      That would be a great motto. It is easier for me to move right along. I will let you know what the kids think.

  2.   admin Says:

    Keep up the good work Ted! Take all the rest stops you need and make sure mom brings along plenty of water on your walks, I mean hops!

    Can’t wait to hear about your readings with the kids. 🙂

  3.   Ted E. Bear Says:

    Mom has certain stops she makes around the village and there is always plenty of water for us. As soon as the weather gets warmer, I will be swimming in the river. That will be fun.

    I will be reading with the kids sooner than swimming with Mom though. I will let you konw how it goes.

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