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Mom and I went for a run!!!

Mom must have been really bored this evening!!! Izzy was outside so Mom decided to take me for what she thought was going to be a walk. Woof Woof Woof!!! With my harness on and flexi leash attached, out the door we went. I started out at a slow hop and Mom at a slow jog!!! Well, I upped the anti, I sped up!!! Mom did not let me down, she sped up too!!! I stopped to let her catch up, she spoke nice things to me and off we went again!!! Mom did really well, I am sooo proud of her!!! I know she was proud of me as she said she would not run for just anybody!!!! Good job Mom!!! Woof Woof Woof!!!

6 Responses to “Mom and I went for a run!!!”

  1.   Dakota Dawg Says:

    Mom loves you, Ted E. When someone runs with you, it’s because they really want to be with you. I’m so proud of you!

    Shari and Dakota

  2.   Ted E. Bear Says:

    Thanks Shari and D. I kept looking back to be sure she was still with me. Actually I was looking back to see if she was still breathing. Woof WoofWoof

  3.   Ginger Says:

    Way to go Ted E. And way to go Mom. That just shows you how special you are, buddy.

    •   Ted E. Bear Says:

      Thanks Ginger!!! If Mom has time tonight, I think we just might go for another short run. I heard Mom talking about what she will wear though. I guess the winter coat, winter boots, back pack, winter hat was a bit much. Woof Woof Woof!!!

  4.   krun15 Says:

    Hey Ted- take it a little easy on your mom- be sure she gets in shape. You know how it goes- let her build strength and endurance steadily. You don’t want to have to tow her around!

    Karen and the pugapalooza

    •   Ted E. Bear Says:

      Ok I will try not to run her ragged!!! She did a good job keeping up though. I heard her tell the vet today that we will be jogging more and more as it gets warmer out.

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