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HAAA!!! Mom thought I couldn’t do it!!!

Before I was a tripawd, one of my favorite past times was to look at the ground, jump, dig and bark. This drove my mom nuts (that is always a short drive, woof woof woof). Yesterday, I picked up my favorite past time again. Woof Woof Woof!!! I am sooo happy I can jump, dig and bark again!!!

13 Responses to “HAAA!!! Mom thought I couldn’t do it!!!”

  1.   krun15 Says:

    Way to go Ted!! Show mom how things are done.

    And the pugs say woof woof woof. Short drive here too!!

    Karen and the pugapalooza

  2.   Ginger Says:

    Woo hoo, Ted E. That is so pawesome that you can do all those things. I think you will find that before long, you will be able to do everything now that you could do with 4 legs – maybe just a little differently.

    •   Ted E. Bear Says:

      Thanks Ginger, I am learning everyday. We are waiting for the temperature to increase a bit, then we will be walking (hopping) around the village again. Mom is still being very protective of me. She does not think I can go very far. I will show her though.

  3.   maximutt Says:

    Ted, you are one amazing guy!!!

  4.   admin Says:

    WooHoo! Just don’t jump too hard!

    •   Ted E. Bear Says:

      Admin, I will be careful. Thanks for thinking of that. Mom always comes out to stop me, just as before.

  5.   etgayle Says:

    life is so very, very good!!! keep digging and keep up the ‘woof, woof, woofs’….i think we can almost hear you here in east tennessee.

    charon & gayle

  6.   anjl Says:

    Ted, you are one adorable dog…..glad you made your mom’s heart smile and I am glad she shared it with us! I can just picture you out there!

  7.   CatiesMom Says:

    Too sweet. You are awesome.

    Catie and RIley send woof, woof, woofs right back at you, Ted!

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