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I went upstairs today!!!

Mom and Dad were headed upstairs to change out of their church clothes. I decided that I would join them. I was not graceful going up the stairs, but I made it. Once upstairs I jumped up on the bed. That is my spot you see when they are changing clothes. I am soooo lucky, Mom and Dad sit with me and give me all kinds of attention.

Now it was time for me to get off the bed. I know Mom wanted me to use the ottoman, but I just could do it. I thought it was not manly. I jumped over that stupid thing and landed just fine. Hmmm now it was time for the stairs. No big deal, I took it slow and was at the bottom before I knew it.

Just maybe I will sleep upstairs tonight. I have not decided. I think I will take a nap and ponder.

One Response to “I went upstairs today!!!”

  1.   anjl Says:

    YAY! Happy for you keep moving forward!

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