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I am a wild dog!!!

Well, yesterday was a great day for me. Dad got up at 6 to let us all out. Mom has to go to work, so we are all up at 6 by the way. I went  out into the yard and said, “Hello!!!” to the world. I just love doing that. Then Dad decided to do some laundry. Such a silly man to think I am going to stay out of the way. When he went upstairs, I had a chat with my brother and sisters. The plan was to get in his way when brings the laundry baskets down. Woof, Woof, Woof!!! We all did a really good job because I heard him talking to Mom  on the phone he complained about it. Woof, Woof, Woof!!!

Mom came home and I got my motor running for her. I am soooo happy when she gets home, she gives all of us all kinds of hugs. She also knows I need to go outside to say, “Hello!!!” again. The snow is real slippery now as we have had rain and there is ice out there to slip and slide on. I am doing great sliding and not falling.

After dinner, I decided the world needed to hear me again. This time I ran and ran in the yard. It was sooo much fun!!! Izzy was looking at me like I was a crazy brother. I had soooo much fun.

3 Responses to “I am a wild dog!!!”

  1.   Dakota Dawg Says:

    Ted, I can’t figure out how you do that slipslide without falling. I wish I could do it, but maybe I need 3 feet instead of 2 to do it right.

    I’m so happy for you, that you are wanting to go let the world know you’re back in fine form! Isn’t it almost time to start barking at imaginary rabbits or squirrels or something? Dakota used to do that for about 3 hours at a time. I think you should try that out. Start at about midnight. That’s a good time. The neighbors will be so happy to know you’re feeling better! (ooh, I sound like a monkeydog)

    Shari and Dakota

  2.   admin Says:

    Atta boy, Ted! Keep up the good work. 🙂

  3.   Ted E. Bear Says:

    Oh my midnight, oh no, I am sound asleep at that time. I am only out for about 15 minutes at the most at a time. I just don’t want to miss anything inside.

    Balance is the key to my slip sliding away. I back feet are really fast and hold me up pretty good. Oh yes, you are starting to sound lke a monkeygod. LOL

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